Pain isn’t just a physical thing. If you’re in pain, it can be frustrating, demoralizing and leave you feeling helpless. Quite often, this is because you don’t understand what is causing the pain and/or don’t have a plan to move forward.

You should feel heard when you’re in pain. The first thing we will figure out is why you’re experiencing pain, this is key to creating a plan and moving forward.

  1. Your first session will take between 30-45 minutes and will include hands on treatment. We’ll start by having a chat about what I can help with. This will include medical history and lifestyle questions. This helps to build a full picture of why you might be experiencing pain.

  2. Following this, there will be a postural and movement assessment so please wear appropriate clothing. It’s always easier if you wear/bring baggy clothes and shorts.

  3. The Osteopath will then assess any joint restrictions, the tightness of the muscles and use other diagnostic tools to formulate a working diagnosis.

  4. All of the above provide the Osteopath with information to identify not only just where the pain is but also why you are experiencing pain; cause and effect.

  5. Once discussed and understood by the patient, hands on treatment will begin. This will consist of various techniques will consist of various techniques which may include massage, manipulation and modified stretching.

  6. It is common to experience soreness for 24-48 hours following a treatment, using heat, cold, or a combination of the two will be advised.

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